On the Million Dollar Challenge we’re setting out to help 25 entrepreneurs make their millions...
Today we meet Amanda Steadman of Wealthbabes
What do you hope to achieve on the Million Dollar Challenge?
Well we’ll have a much better presence online and also globally, we’ll be able to reach many, many more thousands of people. We’ll have had the advice that we need to take things to a much higher level in a shorter period of time.
So, tell us about your business...
Essentially what we do is help people make more money. Whether it’s through their business or through their investments, we give them ways to invest and to create more wealth through different ways of investing and also increasing their business.
…your current marketing?
Our biggest marketing challenge at the moment is, there are so many different ways to market out there, especially online, it is being able to understand what are the priorities that you need to focus on, in order to get that marketing information out and the message out to your potential customers in the best way, the most succinct way and the most effective way possible
Tell us about your online presence at the moment...
We have quite an extensive online presence at the moment, [...] testing various things but there are just so many areas that we know that we can improve on and really take it to a more expansive level with much, much better results. ...there’s lots of different approaches we’re taking on the online presence, including a lot of video implementation.
...online social networking
We are on quite a few social networks, we have been testing quite a lot actually but the thing for us is which ones do we need to focus on and how are we going to monetise those ones that we focus on. Our social networking is done in house at the moment. And obviously that knowledge has taken us so far but we’re at the point now where we really need to get the results that we’re after and quickly.
We need to really bring some experts in who know exactly what they’re doing.