Television audiences are familiar with shows like the BBC2 reality TV series Dragon's Den, in which entrepreneurs pitch their big idea to potential VC funders, including yourBusinessChannel's very own featured expert Simon Woodroffe.
The format is a huge hit, and reflects a critical path for any entrepreneur to fund their business. Many famous companies such as Amazon, Google and a host of famous Silicon Valley names got their start with venture capital funding.
But to get your start you must convince venture funders that your idea will make the returns that are worthy of their interest. You must be able to pass any venture capitalist’s funding test.
In this upcoming show, the sixth of this seven part series, Nigel Reynolds, partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers shares his 3Ms test - knowledge that will greatly improve your prospects when it comes to attracting funders. He also discusses the potential pitfalls with VCs as well as the hidden advantages they can bring.
Ed Torres
yourBusiness Channel
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